Moxy Unlock the full potential of $MOXY with Proof of Play!

Intoduction of Moxy

Moxy is the first and only plug & play solution that empowers games with on-demand eSports gameplay. The industry’s first eSports solution has finally arrived! For the first time game developers can meet the massive market demand of 540M gamers that tune into eSports but cannot engage in eSports style competition in their favorite games. It’s time to give the gamers what they want.
The Moxy Platform provides both of these elements and more. The Moxy Platform leverages blockchain technology to create a secure Global eSport Token, MOXY, that enables real-time transactions and ensures that players and publishers are protected from fraud, hacking, and other malicious activities. With its growing player base, unique game integration methods, and almost unlimited competitive game modes providing real rewards in real games, the Moxy Platform is poised to launch this new category in video gaming and truly be the only eSport games marketplace.


What Roadblocks are in the Way for eSports Competition to Go Mainstream?
• Fiat currency cannot be used to facilitate rewards-based competition in games on a global scale or in a secure, programmatic-based fashion based on gameplay.
• Traditional game developers and publishers do not have blockchain divisions and therefore see blockchain as high risk due to the lack of internal expertise and smart contract knowledge.
• The use of blockchain-based token economies in-game is seen as a regulatory and compliance risk.
• Blockchain is seen as a high barrier to entry for end consumers as current games require a high degree of expertise and experience to play.
• Single-Game tokenized ecosystems have a lack of utility, liquidity, and long-term value.
• Payments and liquidity within single-game tokenized ecosystems are plagued with layers of friction.
• Present technology involves lengthy, complex, and costly implementation for in-game token economies.
• Current technology is fraught with ongoing regulatory risks and long-term platform support requirements.


The Moxy Association is central to the Moxy Club. Every Moxy Club member is also a member of the Moxy Association. The Moxy Association is a Swiss Association which exists solely to promote, support and further develop the Moxy Ecosystem. Moxy Club members are able to realize the Moxy Club benefits in a regulatory compliant manner as a direct result of Moxy
Association membership.



The Moxy Foundation is the central treasury and minting entity for MOXY. The Moxy Foundation is a Swiss Foundation which exists solely to promote and support the further development of the Moxy Ecosystem. The Moxy Foundation supports the various arms of the organization as needed. For example, Moxy Club membership may spike with the addition of popular titles as large player bases are associated with popular games. In this scenario, the new Moxy Club members will need to acquire MOXY in order to participate in eSport gaming events within the game. The Moxy Foundation will be responsible for making MOXY available to purchase for Moxy Club members based proportionately on the reserves it has.


The Moxy Platform is the only platform that can provide players with the eSport enabled version of their favorite games. Moxy Club members can browse the game store and access games as they normally would on other platforms. When players access the game from the Moxy game store, they get the base game that has been enhanced with the Moxy Platform, which enables additional eSport game modes. All eSport activity happens natively within the game operating on the Moxy Platform, giving the player a unique video gaming experience integrated with a secure, blockchain-enabled platform. The Moxy Platform also provides players with a unified digital wallet that makes MOXY usable across all of the games they play, ensuring easy access to competitive gameplay regardless of geographic region or local currency.


For publishers, the Moxy Platform provides an eSports ready global audience of players and the tools to quickly tap into this growing market. The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of providing an API integration stack that seamlessly connects with existing console, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes. The cost, overhead, and risk associated with launching an entire eSports ecosystem for a single game are simply too large for a single game to take on. The Moxy Platform is the global eSports platform and ensures regulatory compliance and fulfillment of legal requirements for both players and publishers. Players gain the benefit of a single KYC requirement, sign on, unified account, and seamless user experience across all their favorite games. Publishers get the confidence of knowing that the Moxy Platform stands behind them and with them via staying ahead of the curve in terms of regulatory and legal compliance to protect the integrity and life cycle of the overall Moxy Ecosystem.Simply put, the Moxy Platform empowers game developers and publishers by enabling them to implement eSport game modes and by delivering eSport ready players via the Moxy Club.

MOXY from the Moxy Foundation will only be made by and among users of the Moxy Platform. The most significant and immediate utilities available to every Moxy Club member are the following:

Global eSport Token:

MOXY can be used to enter multiplayer gameplay, video gaming competitions, access games, and test games regardless of the geographic location/country of the player and the currency used in that location. Accordingly, MOXY can be used as the Global eSport Token for enabling access to game play and other utilities on the Moxy Platform irrespective of player locations and local currency fluctuations. MOXY enables players to convert their local currency into MOXY and, once the party holds MOXY, enables the party to use MOXY on the Moxy Platform to enter game play, test games, and participate in game play/eSport-style competitions. Every one of these events will require the participant to use MOXY – the amount of MOXY to be used is dependent upon the rules and requirements of that specific event, activity or item.

Game Access and Rewards:

MOXY can be used to enter or “access” games. The MOXY required to access a game will fluctuate based on a number of factors, but the use remains the same – to access the eSport-style gameplay with an opportunity to win a portion of a rewards-pool, which will also be allocated in MOXY. MOXY can be used (i) to enter or “access,” enabling the player to participate in the game-play, and (ii) as a reward if the player achieves a certain level of success in the game-play, eSport-style competition. The number of MOXY to be used to access the eSport-style competitions will be determined by the parties developing and hosting the competition. Similarly, the number of MOXY used as a reward and distributed from the rewards “pool” for that specific competition will be a function of the rules established by the parties designing, developing and hosting the eSport-style competition.


Participation in Moxy Club Events:

Moxy Club members will hold MOXY and, with these holdings, Moxy Club members can use their MOXY to participate in various Moxy Platform–sponsored events, such as eSport-style gameplay, video gaming competitions, and video gaming proficiency. This enables Moxy Club members to use MOXY to secure, in essence, a “digital access token” to access, attend and participate in a particular event. The amount of MOXY a member will use to participate in these events will be determined at the time the event is scheduled and opened for registration.

Proof of Play:

MOXY can be used to access a particular game and play that game. Further, based on the amount of time the member plays the game, the player will be rewarded in MOXY. MOXY is used to access a number of games, play those games and, for doing so, MOXY is also used as a reward, thereby rewarding players for their participation in the Moxy Platform. As a reward, MOXY is also used to enable and encourage further game play, participation in eSportsstyle game competitions and expand the Moxy Platform user base and Moxy Ecosystem.

Moxy Club Membership:

MOXY will be used to secure membership to the Moxy Club. Securing membership is a one-time event. It will be required from all Moxy Club members.


The Moxy Platform provides access to MOXY, the Global eSport Token, designed to facilitate eSport competition in video games, and a robust video gaming ecosystem that delivers eSportready gamers to publishers and game developers. Moxy provides an open platform for independent game developers to have their products reviewed and funded by gamers, not executives. The Moxy Club and MOXY are the gateway for this process. Moxy understands and acknowledges that game players commonly use multiple exchanges and multiple decentralized and centralized wallets to store their crypto assets.

For More Infоrmаtіоn, Plеаѕе Visit:


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